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Botanist Name Portrait Dates Regions Designation(s) Handwriting Samples B & P Abbr.
Abel, C. 1789 - 1826 C. Abel
Ashton, P.S. 1934
P. S. Ashton
Bailey, F.M. 1827 - 1915 F. M. Bailey
Baker, C.F. 1872 - 1927 C. F. Baker
Balansa, B. 1825 - 1891 Balansa
Beccari, O. 1843 - 1920 Becc.
Beddome, R.H. 1830 - 1911 Bedd.
Blanco, F.M. 1778 - 1845 Blanco
Blinkworth, R. 1830
Blume, C.L.von 1796 - 1862 Blume
Bor, N.L. 1893 - 1972
Brandis, D. 1824 - 1907 Brandis
Carr, C.E. 1892 - 1936 Carr
Chamisso, L.K.A. von 1781 - 1838
Clarke, C.B. 1832 - 1906 C.B.Clarke
Clemens, M.S. 1873 - 1968
Copeland, E.B. 1873 - 1964 Copel.
Cowan, J.M. 1891 - 1960 Cowan
Cuming, H. 1791 - 1865 Cuming
Cunningham, A. 1791 - 1839 A. Cunn.
Curtis, C. 1853 - 1928
C. Curtis
Drummond, J.R. 1851 - 1921 J. R. Drumm.
Dunn, S.T. 1868 - 1938 Dunn
Elmer, A.D.E. 1870 - 1942 Elmer
Excell, A.W.
Fischer, C.E. 1874 - 1950
C. E. C. Fisch.
Forrest, G. 1873 - 1932 Forrest
Gamble, J.S. 1847 - 1925 Gamble
Gardner, G. 1812 - 1849
Griffith, W. 1810 - 1845 Griff.
Guest, E.R. 1902 - 1992
Haenke, T.P.X. 1761 - 1817
Haniff, M. 1930
Harmand, F.J.
Haviland, G.D. 1857 - 1901 Havil.
Heyne, B. 1769 - 1819 B. Heyne
Hobson, H.E. 1844 - 1922
Holttum, R.E. 1895 - 1990
Hooker, J.D. 1817 - 1911 Hook. f.
Jacquemont, V.V. 1801 - 1832 Jacquem.
Jafri, S.M.H. 1850 Jafri
Kermode, C.W.D. 1938
Kerr, A.F.G. 1877 - 1942
King, G. 1840 - 1909 King
Kingdon-Ward, F. 1885 - 1958 F. K. Ward
Kochummen, K.M. 1931 - 1999 Kochummen
Korthals, P.W. 1807 - 1892 Korth.
Kostermans, A.J.G.H. 1907 - 1994 Kosterm.
Kotschy, K.G.T. 1813 - 1866
Krukoff, B.A. 1898 - 1983
Kuntze, C.E.O. 1843 - 1907 Kuntze
Kurz, W.S. 1834 - 1878 Kurz
Lam, H.J. 1892 - 1977 H.J. Lam
Lane-Poole, C.E. 1885 - 1970 Lane-Poole
Ledermann, C.L. 1875 - 1958 Ledermann
Lister, J.J. 1857 - 1927 J. J. Lister
Lobb, T. 1820 - 1894 T. Lobb
Loher, A. 1874 - 1930 Loher
Lyall, D. 1817 - 1895 Lyall
Mackenzie, J.A.S. 1784 - 1843
Maingay, A.C. 1836 - 1869 Maingay
Manson, F.B. 1905
Maries, C. 1851 - 1902
Mathews, A.
Merrill, E.D. 1876 - 1956 Merr.
Micholitz, W. 1854 - 1932 W. Micholitc
Miquel, F.A.W. 1811 - 1871 Miq.
Mueller, F. J. H. von 1825 - 1896
F. Muell.
Norton, E.F. 1922
Nur, M. 1927 Md. Nur
Parish, C.S.P. 1822 - 1897 C.S.P.Parish
Phengklai, C. 1934 Phengklai
Pierre, J.B.L. 1833 - 1905 Pierre
Prain, D.
Preiss, J.A.L. 1811 - 1883 L. Preiss
Ridley, H.N. 1855 - 1956
Rock, J.F. 1884 - 1962 Rock
Röttler, J.P. 1749 - 1836 Röttler
Roxburgh, W. 1751 - 1815 Roxb.
Royle, J.F. 1798 - 1858 Royle
Rumphius, G.E. 1628 - 1702 Rumph.
Schlechter, F.R.R. 1872 - 1925 Schltr.
Schmidt, E.J. 1877 - 1933
Siebold, P.F.von 1796 - 1866 Siebold
Strugnell, E.J. 1903 Strugnell
Teijsmann, J.E. 1809 - 1882 Teijsm.
Teysmann, J.E. 1809 - 1882 Teijsm.
Thomson, G.
Thomson, T. 1817 - 1878 Thompson
Thorel, C. 1833 - 1911 Thorel
Thwaites, G.H.K. 1812 - 1882 Thwaites
Veldkamp, J.F. 1941 Veldkamp
Walker, A.M. 1778 - 1852
Wallace, A.R. 1822 - 1913 Wallace
Wallich, N. 1786 - 1854
Warburg, O. 1859 - 1938 Warb.
Wight, R. 1796 - 1872 Wight
Wilson, E.H. 1876 - 1930 E.H. Wilson
Zippelius, A. 1797 - 1848 Zipp.


Title Year of Publication Authors
Flora of British India (I) 1875 Hooker JD
Flora of British India (II) 1879 Hooker JD
Sri Lanka 1851 1851 Rapkin J, Winkles H, Martin RM, Tallis J, Tallis F
Flora of British India (III) 1882 Hooker JD
Flora of British India (IV) 1885 Hooker JD
Flora of British India (V) 1890 Hooker JD
Flora of British India (VI) 1894 Hooker JD
Flora of British India (VII) 1897 Hooker JD
Hochreutiner's Cultivated Bogor Specimens 1904 Hochreutiner BPG
Cyclopaedia of Malesian Collectors Submitted van Steenis-Kruseman MJ, van Crevel R
History of Botanical Research in Thailand 2010
The flora of the Malay Peninsula Volume 1 Submitted "Ridley HN "
Birman Empire & Countries South East of the Ganges (including Indo-China) 1844
Flora of Koh Chang : contributions to the knowledge of the vegetation in the Gulf of Siam 1900 Shcmidt J
Flora Cochinchinensis 1790
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and The Neighbouring Countries 1847 Griffith W
The First Plant Collectors in Kashmir and the Punjab 1979
Himalayan Journals; or Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, &c Vol 2 1854 Hooker JD
Western Himalaya and Tibet a narrative of a journey through the mountains of northern India, during the years 1847-8 1852 Thomson T
G.D. Haviland obituary (including explanantion of numbering system) 1907 Stapf O
Missionaries and Clergymen as Botanists in India and Pakistan 1982 Stewart RR
On a Collection of Plants from Upper Burma and the Shan States 1890 "Collett, H." "HWB "


Asia-Tropical v1.0 (partial index only)



Hochreutiner's numbers

Hochreutiner label

Indian Sub Continent (India)

5 - Indian Subcontinent

(5A) Pakistan and Bangladesh

(5B) Nepal

Malay Peninsula

Subdivisions used within region 6A at Kew (taken from the regions list)

6A.01 Langkawi Islands

6A.02 Perlis

6A.03 Kedah

6A.04 Wellesley Prov.

6A.05 Penang Island

6A.06 Perak

6A.07 Kelantan

6A.08 Trengganu

6A.09 Pahang

6A.10 Selangor

6A.11 Negri Sembilan

6A.12 Malacca

6A.13 Johor

6A.14 Singapore

New Guinea

6E.1 Papua  Barat (Indonesian New Guinea: Irian Jaya, West New Guinea, West Papua)

6E.2 Papua New Guinea (previously the Territories of New Guinea & Papua )

6E.4 Bismarck Archipelago (incl. New Britain & New Ireland)


6D.1 Luzon

6D.2 Mindana

Malay Islands

6C.1 Sumatra

6C.2 Jawa (Java )

6C.3 Lesser Sunda Islands (incl. East Timor)

6C.4 Borneo

6C.41 Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo)

6C.42 Sarawak

6C.43 Brunei

6C.44 Sabah

6C.5 Sulawesi (Celebes)

6C.6 Maluku (Moluccas)


Countries map





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