This site was archived on 2014-06-03




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Botanist Name Portrait Dates Regions Designation(s) Handwriting Samples B & P Abbr.
Ashton, P.S. 1934
P. S. Ashton
Balansa, B. 1825 - 1891 Balansa
Bor, N.L. 1893 - 1972
Brandis, D. 1824 - 1907 Brandis
Clemens, M.S. 1873 - 1968
Cowan, J.M. 1891 - 1960 Cowan
Forrest, G. 1873 - 1932 Forrest
Griffith, W. 1810 - 1845 Griff.
Haniff, M. 1930
Harmand, F.J.
Kermode, C.W.D. 1938
Kerr, A.F.G. 1877 - 1942
Kostermans, A.J.G.H. 1907 - 1994 Kosterm.
Kuntze, C.E.O. 1843 - 1907 Kuntze
Kurz, W.S. 1834 - 1878 Kurz
Lam, H.J. 1892 - 1977 H.J. Lam
Maingay, A.C. 1836 - 1869 Maingay
Manson, F.B. 1905
Parish, C.S.P. 1822 - 1897 C.S.P.Parish
Phengklai, C. 1934 Phengklai
Pierre, J.B.L. 1833 - 1905 Pierre
Prain, D.
Rock, J.F. 1884 - 1962 Rock
Schmidt, E.J. 1877 - 1933
Thorel, C. 1833 - 1911 Thorel
Wallich, N. 1786 - 1854


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Indo China

6B.1 Thailand (Siam)

6B.2 Indo-China

6B.21 Cambodia

6B.22 Laos

6B.23 Vietnam (Tonkin, Cochin-China, Annam)


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Scratchpads developed and conceived by: Vince Smith, Simon Rycroft, Dave Roberts, Ben Scott...